Regulations and Standards Guide solicitations come from a wide variety of government agencies, as such they will reference unique processes and standards appropriate for that agency.
You must comply with all standards and processes referenced in the solicitation.
Below are some commonly referenced documents and the links to each one.
- Mil-STD-2073-1D, Standard Practice for Military Packaging
This document outlines standard processes for the development and documentation of military packaging, as distinct from commercial packaging.
- MIL-STD-129P, Military Marking for Shipment And Storage
This standard provides the minimum requirements for uniform military marking for shipment and storage.
- Other Military Standards (ASSIST)
Quick Search is a public website that lets users search for defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks, commercial item descriptions,
data item descriptions, MS detail drawings, Qualified Product Lists (QPLs), and related technical documents prepared in accordance with the policies and
procedures of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP).
- FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulations
The FAR regulations govern all procurements for the US federal government.
- DFARS - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations System
The DFARS are based on the FAR, but have been modified for use by the Department of Defense.
- DLAD - Defense Logistics Acquisition Directive
The DLAD implements and supplements requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS), DFARS Procedures.
DLA Master Solicitation For Automated Simplified Acquisitions
This document explains the award of purchase orders for automated EProcurement acquisitions valued up to the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT),
including automated awards prior to the published due date.
- Wide Area Workflow (WAWF)
Wide Area Workflow is a secure, Web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt and acceptance. WAWF allows government vendors to submit
and track invoices and receipt/acceptance documents over the Web, and allows government personnel to process those invoices in a real-time, paperless environment.
- ASTM Standards
The ASTM is a set non-government commercial standards that are often referenced in a solicitation to define a material, process or design.
- NAS Standards
NAS is a set non-government commercial standards that are often referenced in a solicitation to define a material, process or design.