SAM Navigator Support Center

Edit an Existing CAGE Code

To edit or update your CAGE code, you must have a Username and Password in SAM. If you do not have this registration or are unsure, you need to go to the SAM ( and check or register. Use the Create User Account button. SAM will tell you if you are already registered. In order to edit your record, you must the either be the person that originally registered the company or you must have been authorized by that person to have edit privileges in SAM.

Once you can edit your SAM record, the rest is simple

  1. Go to SAM ( and use your credentials to log in.
  2. Accept the Usage Agreement
  3. Select Entity Registrations under the My SAM navigation menu on the left
  4. Select Existing Entity Registrations
  5. Click on your Company name to open the CAGE record
  6. Review your record one section at a time using the navigation menu on the left
  7. Once you are through, click on Submit at the bottom of the navigation menu.

When you click Submit, SAM will ask you to review the entire record again by opening each section and confirming the content with a button at the bottom of each page. When you click Submit after this review, SAM will acknowledge that you have successfully submitted. Depending upon the changes you make, SAM will send you another email 1-4 days later confirming that your updates have been accepted.

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